Arvee Robinson, Master Speaker Trainer
Everyone has a message to share that only they can share to people that can only hear it from them. And that message will change someone’s life, their business, or even their soul. That’s how important it is. 
Arvee Robinson
You have a unique message that will change people’s lives, their businesses and their souls. If you can’t deliver it then it will be undelivered for all eternity. 
Arvee Robinson
Topics Covered In This Episode
00:00 Master Speaker Trainer
01:14 Your Unique Message
02:50 A Learned Skill
06:15 Naked Authenticity
08:04 Structure Of A Speech
09:01 Grab Your Audience
10:17 The Digital Touch
13:57 Invisible Selling
14:55 Do it Right & Magic Happens
17:05 Reaching The World
22:50 Fear Is Fatal
26:30 Change Lives TODAY!
32:28 Become A Pro
33:58 A Natural High
35:23 Transform Fear Into Juice
38:27 Heartfelt Connection
Arvee Robinson – BIO
Arvee Robinson, The Master Speaker Trainer, International Public & Keynote Speaker, and Author will give you the tools, and confidence, to become a speaking Superstar in your industry! Over the last decade, Arvee Robinson has successfully trained over 5000 business owners, service professionals, and entrepreneurs on the communication skills to succeed in business. Her audiences have fun with interactive stories and role-plays while learning workable step-by-step strategies they can instantly put into action. Arvee has shared the stage with public speaking giants such as: Mark Victor Hansen, Joel Bauer, Eric Lofholm, John Childers, Adam Urbanski, Raymond Aaron, Dave Lakhani, Lisa Sasevich, Jay Conrad Levinson among others. She hosts her own weekly teleseminar series, Passionately Speaking, designed for people who want to learn the secrets of persuasive speaking to attract clients and grow their business. Arvee has also hosted several cable TV shows on Inside the Inland Valley, dedicated to promoting local businesses, and has been interviewed on numerous radio shows, teleseminars, and webinars.
Episode Description
Your unique message can change lives and only YOU can deliver it, says Arvee Robinson, Master Speaker Trainer. Your unique message could be the Game Changer that explodes the growth of your business and other’s businesses too. Your message could end some people’s suffering, which is why you want to stop any self-doubt in its tracks and step onto that stage (in person and virtual) if you haven’t already done so! Arvee explains how she turned her career from mediocre to soaring by getting professional speaker training. And you can do the same! If you are winging it, you just won’t crush it! She shares the distinguishing characteristic of a high impact speaker, how to grab your audience’s attention in a few seconds and how to create a connection in a digital space. Arvee assures you that can turn your fear into your JUICE and stand before your audience in naked authenticity and change lives with your word. Do it right, and magic will happen because as Arvee says there’s no greater high than getting to speak in person or virtual and changing lives. If you want to speak up with conviction, this episode is for you!
Your message is bigger than the fear that you might be experiencing. 
Arvee Robinson
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