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Stephen Somers, Amazon Guru & Co-Founder Marketplace Superheroes

“To be successful long term, you have to start thinking in the language of opportunity and certainty. Stay away from needy weasel words like Could, Should, Would, Need. Rather say what WILL happen, what’s GOING to happen, what MIGHT happen.” Stephen Somers

Topics Covered In This Episode

00:00 Intro
03:45 Seeing Others Succeed.
06:05 It’s Up To You!
10:37 Will You Do What It Takes?
21:12 Mind Flow & Mentality.

35:32 Fulfilling Demand.
42:46 Don’t Go Bling. Go Boring!
47:53 Content & Connection is NB.
57:40 Message To The World.

Stephen Somers – BIO

Stephen Somers is the CEO and co-founder of Marketplace Superheroes -an online education and services business that teaches their community of Heroes to create a fulltime income selling simple branded products globally on Amazon….and to do this for years, not just months or weeks.  Over the last five years, Stephen and his business partner Robert Rickey have grown their company from a single online course to the fully-fledged five-time TwoComma club award winning business that is today serving close to 8000 members.

Along the way they have built a global freight company as well an entire software suite to make shipping and ordering products to sell on Amazon as efficient and effective as possible for their clients.  Stephen and Robert also run their own 8 figure Amazon business having sold $12 million dollars worth of physical products globally.

Episode Description

How do you avoid the detrimental pitfalls, minimize risks and play successfully in the online world and specifically in the Amazon space? This is Stephen’s playground together with his partner Robert. They’ve learned these invaluable lessons the hard way and through their platform Superheroes, they empower entrepreneurs with the critical success elements to crush it online, not for one month but every month and every year. Stephen shows how the language of opportunity and certainty creates solutions in the face of challenges instead of focusing on problems. Aside from formal engagements with their clients, Stephen & Robert also connect with their clients through specifically tailored, live

Facebook shows where they host weekly discussions to continuously stimulate new ideas, conversations and share informative content to keep their clients inspired, in momentum and constantly growing their network with like-minded people sharing a similar journey. For Stephen and Robert, seeing you succeed through the value they’ve added to your business brings them the greatest satisfaction.

Marketplace Superheroes is there with you every step of the way on your online journey, guiding you towards reaping the rewards that are inevitable when you follow the fundamentals Stephen speaks of in this insightful BwB episode. It’s not ‘bling but boring’ that leads to ongoing online success and when you know what those boring but critical success elements are, you have a far higher probability of not only staying in the online game but winning in an overcrowded online world.

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