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Howard Lim, President of HOW Creative

 Every business has a signature story and purpose; once it connects to the customer’s intellect, emotions and heart, it has the potential to enrich millions of lives.

Howard Lim

Topics Covered In This Episode

00:00 Seeing Possibilities
05:44 Future Potential Philosophy
11:13 Driving Force
12:32 Discover Your Driving Force
21:12 Brand Consistency
24:19 Universal Model
27:28 Emotional Currency

36:20 Customization & Personalization
40:02 Learn, Earn, Return
43:43 Hidden Agendas
46:21 Alternative Energy Solutions
52:12 Social Media Damage
55:32 Authentic Branding
56:31 Think Bigger During Crisis

Howard Lim – BIO

Howard Lim established HOW Creative in 1987 and has since crafted businesses and brands from the philosophies and visions of some of the most powerful CEOs, presidents, and executive teams. Howard helped to lead the digital revolution, his firm launched the campaigns for DVD movies, which ultimately dominated VHS and Beta. Additionally, his firm created one of the first uses of motion graphics for on-air presence for ABC Networks, the first all-digital ad for Fujitsu removable drives for national magazines (MacWorld and Mac User), orchestrated and produced the first Wall Street Journal ad for Claris FileMaker, produced the all-digital alliance posters used for the lobby in Washington for the World Wide Web, and developed one of the first graphically interfaced website design for Zylan. He continues to transform businesses as a Business and Brand Architect™.

Episode Description

What is the future potential of your business? In this Game Changer interview Howard Lim shares little-known secrets to blowing the ceiling off business growth. Decades of experience in helping businesses catapult themselves towards greatness even through disruption and flux has led to a proven growth formula that Howard shares with us.

Many entrepreneurs go wrong by coming up with an idea and going straight to market without going through these critical steps, leading to antiquated business models, wrong target markets, inaccurate sequencing and ultimately lost opportunities and growth far below potential. Building a powerful brand and business is a bigger game than money, as Howard says, if it’s just about money, you’ll run out of runway. Many entrepreneurs are advised to get brand identity done right up front, which includes logo and website design, in contrast, Howard does this last once all the other critical components are in place. Every piece of your brand must fit together like puzzle pieces with emotional currency being woven into every single puzzle piece to build a masterpiece that attracts your ideal customer like a magnet.

Howard packs so many powerful insights into this discussion that you will be inspired by his brilliant mind as he challenges you to fall in love with your business all over again, leaving you eager to set your business on a new and invigorating trajectory towards explosive success.

See Howard Lim’s book, Authentic Branding here.

Connect with Howard Lim

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