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Aalysha Athreya Founder & CEO of Kurvwear

“My company does not sell products, it sells a feeling – the feeling of being able to conquer the world.” Aalysha Athreya

Topics Covered In This Episode

00:00 Intro
01:21 A dreamer of possibilities
03:11 Coming full circle
05:05 Alternative to plastic surgery
09:09 A blurry vision becomes clear
13:35 Selling self-confidence!
17:55 An accidental launch
19:34 Keeping up with demand
21:13 How stubbornness served my vision

26:34 Delegate or burn out
36:44 Vision Board retailer materializes
40:46 Influencer marketing strategy
45:18 Shattered dreams to achieving dreams
48:00 Riding that rollercoaster of Life!
49:00 Message to the World
50:26 Conquering the World

Aalysha Athreya – BIO

Alisha is the founder & CEO of Kurvwear – a ‘first’ to the mainstream market and innovator in apparel that provides women with a safe alternative to cosmetic enhancements. Rising numbers in cosmetic enhancements, as well as an increase in societal pressures, have affected consumer’s self-perception. Kurvwear positively impacts the lives of women by preventing them from permanently changing their bodies to conform to a societal beauty trend.

Episode Description

Aalysha designed Kurvwear to help women boost their confidence and feel that they can conquer the world without risky cosmetic enhancements i.e Brazillian Butt Lifts. At only 22 years old, she focused in on her relentless conviction to see her products become accessible and serve women all over the world. The influx of correspondence and raving feedback is testament to the difference she’s making, inspiring her to continue to grow her reach, partner with strategic retailers and ramp her business up to greater heights.

She shares some of the daunting challenges she’s faced and details how she broke through the barriers, refusing to give up till she found that first YES and subsequent YES’s! Her success lessons are an inspiration to all who are on their own entrepreneurial journey, or those looking to keep up with the growing demands of rapidly escalating success and company growth. Even though her entrepreneurial journey to date has been a rollercoaster ride, she would not change anything and is grateful to all who’ve helped her achieve success in such a short space of time.


Connect with Aalysha Athreya


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