Lynne Thomas, CEO Thomas Consulting
There’s a slice or two of genius in each person! 
Lynne Thomas
Topics Covered In This Episode
00:00 Welcome
01:25 Getting Jazzed Up
02:42 A Slice or 2 of Genius
04:36 Triple Win
05:55 The Engine Of Your Company
09:22 Authentic Employee Connection
11:16 Increase Bottom Line
13:17 Don’t Play Small
17:42 Higher Engagement
19:20 20 Solutions
23:05 36% Employees Resigned
28:26 There is NO Box
31:27 Surveys Don’t Work
32:40 Communication Is The Glue
35:57 Get New Ideas
40:08 A Story On Employee Care
41:39 Employee & Clients’ Changing Needs
44:01 Put Ego Aside. Make The Call
45:42 Retention & Engagement
46:53 Employee Innovation
49:19 Mental Health Matters
52:54 Slow Down & Get More Done
54:59 Extreme Humanism
56:31 Training & Trust Create The Future
59:59 Deeply Listen
1:01:57 Shoot High
1:03:41 Uncomfortable is Okay
Lynn Thomas – BIO
Lynn Thomas is an experienced, accomplished, dynamic, energetic, and deeply caring leader. She has been committed to cultivating transformative leaders for over 30 years — working with executives, managers, founders, organizations, and institutions to navigate change, rejuvenate culture and exceed their potential in areas of business and beyond. Covid offers companies a rare opportunity to harness the diamonds in the rough and turn them into invaluable insights that can catapult them forward.
Her vast experience has been garnered from decades of work with hundreds of companies in diverse industries. Stints as a consultant, tax attorney, private banker, and change agent have all contributed to her unique, compelling, and agile approach—one that engages, inspires, and motivates her clients. In turn, her clients generate remarkable successes. As they become more agile, more innovative, and kinder, the companies become more profitable, and their employees become more engaged and find their workplaces more enjoyable.
Lynn brings a high-energy, passionate approach to the highly customized programs she designs. She quickly assesses the culture, nuances, and priorities of an organization, and then translates those insights into practical strategies that are immediately actionable. Lynne has been a keynote speaker at hundreds of conferences, conventions, associations, and organizations. She has been a columnist for trade publications and has authored many articles. Her second book, “Wow Your Way To Profit” was published in May 2015 by Amazon and is a #1 Best Seller.
Never underestimate the power of really engaged, passionate, and innovative employees because they will regularly wow and delight you.
Lynne Thomas
Episode Description
Employees and customers are the engine of your company! Lynne Thomas shares her pearls on how unhappiness in the ranks equates to a floundering bottom line. Refusing to work with companies that don’t care about their employees, she shares simple yet powerful strategies for staff retention through extreme humanism in the new context of business where a Triple Win is well within reach. Before Covid, as much as 65% of employees were not engaged. Since Covid hit, feelings of mounting personal stress and in some instances a feeling of being unheard or uncared for has resulted in as much as 36% of employees leaving their jobs without having an alternative job lined up, a huge loss for industry.
Never underestimate the power of really engaged, passionate, and innovative employee because they will regularly wow and delight you, says Lynne. Her belief that there’s a slice or two of genius in each person, steers us strongly to tap employees for their valuable input into how to solve problems, demonstrating that inspired and involved employees provide a better return on investment as their loyalty to the organisation soars. This is the real Game Changer in the new world of work according to Lynne. Employers should not just accept the loss of excellent employees which can have a very negative knock-on effect on their client-base.
Lynne sparkles with interesting and smart and fun approaches to authentically communicate and connect with your valued employees to show care, consideration and concern to keep them productive, engaged and committed to your organisation through more relational rather than transactional methods. Indeed, life happens on the skinny branches, where you’re out on a limb taking a chance, which requires doing things differently!
You have to be flexible, able to pivot and purposely do things that make you uncomfortable to provide yourself with new perspectives and innovative ideas on plugging the holes to retain staff and clients. Admittedly, we’re a little rusty with social skills right now, so if you feel uncomfortable, that’s okay. Lynne laughs and says, “Everyone’s gonna be uncomfortable because we’re doing new things.”. This is a time for growing trust and pooling strengths and innovative ideas through meaningful communication.
She shares interesting stories, ideas and insights and inspires us to be bold and brave in setting our businesses up for higher engagement and breakthrough results. No matter your level of discomfort, shoot higher! A must watch interview for every business leader!
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