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Together Write A New Human Story!” Carmen Wilde

We can create ‘Business without Barriers’ and an enriching future for ourselves and the communities we serve… which is why it’s time to stop the tsunami of fear and uncertainty that threatens to fragment our world and wipe out our businesses and even humanity. What we’ve been doing up until now creates barriers, the consequences of a flawed business and human paradigm are all around us…an over focus on materialism, big business syphoning small business, small business vulnerable because it’s every man or woman for him or herself, a focus on the problem not the solution. The fallout from lockdowns has shone a torch on the need to break down the barriers that divide us…we cannot solve the challenges we face alone.

We need to take the me hat off and put the you hat on and see our fellow entrepreneurs as collaborators not competitors. By leveraging our collective skills and talents and working together we can become a force to be reckoned with, but we need to operate by a different code to the one that separated us and created anarchy and crisis, if we are to look forward to the promise of a bright future. We can only do this together, in concert, in pursuit of a common goal where we create abundance and add sustainable value to each other, without sacrificing our unique characters and individual business goals…where we bring humanity back into business and break down the barriers that keep us from living our dreams. Together let’s write a new and enriching human story!

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